DIY Exfoliating Honey Sugar Scrub For Clear And Glowing Skin
Apply this easy DIY exfoliating honey sugar scrub recipe to get soft, smooth, clear, and glowing skin. It is made with all-natural ingredients like honey, tea tree essential oil etc. This sugar scrub also makes for a perfect gift for birthdays and Christmas.
Recipe type: Honey Sugar Scrub
Cuisine: DIY, Beauty
  1. In a bowl, mix together sugar, honey, jojoba oil, and tea tree essential oil. Combine well.
How To Use
  1. Wash your face with a mild face wash or cleanser.
  2. Gently massage the scrub onto your face avoiding the eyes area. Leave it for about 2- 3 minutes.
  3. Rinse it off from your face with normal water. Pat dry afterward.
  4. Apply a moisturizer on your face.
  5. Repeat it once or twice a week but not too frequently.
Store the scrub in an airtight glass container for future use.
Recipe by BlissOnly at